Draft decisions of the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB on 29 April 2022

Draft decisions of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the NEO Finance, AB (code 303225546, address A. Vivulskio street 7, Vilnius, Company) on 29 April 2022:

1. Approval of consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2021 and 31/12/2021.

Draft resolution:

Taken for the information annual report of the Company for the year 2021, prepared by the Company.

Taken for the information Auditor’s report on the Company’s financial statements.

To approve consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2021 and 31/12/2021, audited by UAB Grand Thorton Baltic (certified auditor Genadij Mikušev).

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to submit consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company to the Register of Legal Entities and the Bank of Lithuania.

2. Approval of the Company’s profit (loss) distribution for 2021.

Draft resolution:

To approve the distribution of net audited profit (loss) according to IFRS for 2021 in the following order:

Rodikliai Indicators Data/Date Suma/Sum
Nepaskirstytasis rezultatas – pelnas (nuostoliai) Retained result – profit/loss 2020.12.31  (1 503 748)
Grynasis finansinių metų rezultatas – pelnas (nuostoliai) Net result for the financial year – profit/loss 117 739
Paskirstytinas rezultatas – pelnas (nuostoliai) Retained result – profit/loss 2021.12.31  (1 386 009)
Akcininkų įnašai nuostoliams padengti Shareholders ‘contributions to cover losses
Pervedimai iš rezervų Transfers from reserves
Paskirstytinas pelnas Distributed profit  (1 386 009)
Pelno paskirstymas Profit distribution:
– į įstatymo numatytus rezervus – to legal reserves
– į kitus rezervus – to other reserves
– dividendai – dividends
– kiti – other
Nepaskirstytasis rezultatas – pelnas (nuostoliai) Undistributed result – profit/loss  (1 386 009)

3. Regarding the appointment of the auditor to audit consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year which will end in 31/12/2022.

Draft resolution:

To elect the audit company UAB Grand Thorton Baltic, code 30056169, to perform the Company’s audit for the financial year which will end in 31 December 2021.

Set the amount of the fee payable for audit services for the year 2022 – not more than EUR 7 600 (seven thousand and six hundreds euros) plus VAT.

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to conclude an agreement with the selected audit company and to submit the related data to the Bank of Lithuania.

4. Approval of the 2021 internal audit report of the Company.

Draft resolution:

To approve 2021 internal audit report of the Company.

5. Approval of of internal audit regulations.

Draft resolution:

To approve internal audit regulations.

6. Approval of the 2022 internal audit plan of the Company.

Draft resolution:

To approve 2022 internal audit plan of the Company.

7. Approval of internal management, risk and control management policy and strategy.

Draft resolution:

To approve internal management, risk and control management policy and strategy.

8. Approval of risk appetite framework and tolerance limits.

Draft resolution:

To approve risk appetite framework and tolerance limits.

9. Election of a member of the Board.

Draft resolution:

To elect Darius Samuolis to the members of the Board of the Company for the remaining term of the Board of the Company.


Head of Adminstration
Paulius Tarbūnas
Email: paulius.tarbunas@neofinance.com