On 21 August 2023, NEO Finance, AB (legal entity code 303225546, registered office address: Vilniaus m. sav. A. Vivulskio g. 7, Vilnius; the Company) extraordinary general meeting of shareholders attended by shareholders holding 3 364 854 shares carrying 3 364 854 votes (i.e. 80.08 % of the total number of votes attached to the Company's shares).

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the following resolutions on the items on the agenda of the meeting:

1. 1. Approval of the internal governance, risk and control management policy and strategy.


To approve the internal governance, risk and control management policy and strategy.

2. Approval of the risk appetite framework and tolerance limits and the risk assessment map.


To approve the risk appetite framework and tolerance limits and the risk assessment map.

3. Election of the new term of office of the Board.


To approve Evaldas Remeikis, Aiva Remeikienė, Deividas Tumsa, Marius Navickas and Darius Samuolis for the next 4 (four) year term of office.

Head of Administration
Evaldas Remeikis

E-mail: evaldas.remeikis@neofinance.com

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB (legal entity code 303225546, address: A. Vivulskio street 7, Vilnius; Company) took place on 17 April 2023, the shareholders attending the meeting held 3 209 016 shares, which entitled them to 3 209 016 votes (i.e. 76,37 % of votes granted by all shares of the Company).

The following decisions have been taken at the General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. Approval of consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022


Taken for the information annual report of the Company for the year 2022, prepared by the Company.

Taken for the information Auditor's report on the Company's financial statements.

To approve consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022, audited by UAB Grand Thornton Baltic.

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions to submit consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company to the Register of Legal Entities and the Bank of Lithuania.

2. Approval of the Company's profit (loss) distribution for 2022.


To approve the distribution of net audited profit (loss) according to IFRS for 2022 in the following order:

Indicators Data Suma
Retained result – profit/loss 2021.12.31 (1 386 010)
Net result for the financial year – profit/loss 103 895
Retained result – profit/loss 2022.12.31 (1 282 115)
Shareholders ‘contributions to cover losses
Transfers from reserves
Distributed profit  (1 282 115)
Profit distribution:
- to legal reserves
- to other reserves
- dividends
- other
Undistributed result – profit/loss  (1 282 115)

3. Regarding the appointment of the auditor to audit consolidated financial statements of the Company for the 2023 and 2024 financial years.


To elect the audit company UAB Grand Thornton Baltic, code 30056169, to perform the Company's audit for the 2023 and 2024 financial year.

Determine the salary for audit services for year 2023 up to EUR 9,100 (nine thousand one hundred euros) plus VAT. The price of services for the year 2024 will be determined by indexing the audit price according to the consumer price index CPIS for the year 2023 stated by the Department of Statistics.

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions to conclude an agreement with the selected audit company and to submit the related data to the Bank of Lithuania.

4. Approval of the 2022 internal audit report of the Company.


To approve 2022 internal audit report of the Company.

5. Regarding the appointment of the auditor to perform the Company's year 2023 internal audit.


To elect the audit company UAB Proventus Law LT, code 302448382, to perform the Company's year 2023 internal audit.

6. Approval of internal audit regulations and rules.


To approve a new version of internal audit regulations and rules.

7. Approval of the long-term (from year 2023 to year 2026) internal audit plan of the Company.


To approve the long-term (from year 2023 to year 2026) internal audit plan of the Company.

8. Approval of the 2022 Business Wide Risk Assessment report.


To approve internal management, risk and control management policy and strategy.

9. Approval of Conflict of interest policy.


To approve Conflict of interest policy.


Head of Administration

Evaldas Remeikis

Email: Evaldas.remeikis@neofinance.com


On 17 June 2022, NEO Finance, AB (legal entity code 303225546, registered office address: Vilniaus m. sav. Vilniaus m. A. Vivulskio g. 7; the Company) Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders attended by shareholders holding 3 363 133 shares carrying 3 363 133 votes (i.e. 80.03 % of the total number of votes attached to the Company's shares).

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders adopted the following resolutions on the items on the agenda of the meeting:

1. Approval of the Remuneration Policy.


To approve the Remuneration Policy.

Approval of the Conflicts of Interest Policy.


To approve the Conflicts of Interest Policy, which shall apply to legal relations as from 20-05-20-2022.

3. Approval of the Code of Ethics.


To approve the Code of Ethics.

4. Approval of the rules on the granting of shares to employees of the Company.


To approve the wording of the Company's rules on the granting of shares to employees in accordance with the attached draft.


Head of Administration
Paulius Tarbūnas
E-mail: paulius.tarbunas@neofinance.com

Atlygio politika.pdf
Bendroves akciju suteikimo darbuotojams taisykliu projektas.pdf
Etikos kodeksas.pdf
Interesu konfliktu sprendimo politika.pdf

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB (legal entity code 303225546, address: A. Vivulskio street 7, Vilnius; Company) took place on 29 April 2022, the shareholders attending the meeting held 3 374 729 shares, which entitled them to 3 374 729 votes (i.e. 80,31% of votes granted by all shares of the Company).

The following decisions have been taken at the General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. Approval of consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2021 and 31/12/2021.


Taken for the information annual report of the Company for the year 2021, prepared by the Company.

Taken for the information Auditor's report on the Company's financial statements.

To approve consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2021 and 31/12/2021, audited by UAB Grand Thorton Baltic (certified auditor Genadij Mikušev).

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to submit consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company to the Register of Legal Entities and the Bank of Lithuania.

2. Approval of the Company's profit (loss) distribution for 2021.


To approve the distribution of net audited profit (loss) according to IFRS for 2021 in the following order:

Indicators Date Sum
Retained result – profit/loss 2020.12.31  (1 503 748)
Net result for the financial year – profit/loss 117 739
Retained result – profit/loss 2021.12.31  (1 386 009)
Shareholders ‘contributions to cover losses
Transfers from reserves
Distributed profit  (1 386 009)
Profit distribution:
- to legal reserves
- to other reserves
- dividends
- other
Undistributed result – profit/loss  (1 386 009)

3. Regarding the appointment of the auditor to audit consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year which will end in 31/12/2022.


To elect the audit company UAB Grand Thorton Baltic, code 30056169, to perform the Company's audit for the financial year which will end in 31 December 2021.

Set the amount of the fee payable for audit services for the year 2022 - not more than EUR 7 600 (seven thousand and six hundreds euros) plus VAT.

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to conclude an agreement with the selected audit company and to submit the related data to the Bank of Lithuania.

4. Approval of the 2021 internal audit report of the Company.


To approve 2021 internal audit report of the Company.

5. Approval of of internal audit regulations.


To approve internal audit regulations.

6. Approval of the 2022 internal audit plan of the Company.


To approve 2022 internal audit plan of the Company.

7. Approval of internal management, risk and control management policy and strategy.


To approve internal management, risk and control management policy and strategy.

8. Approval of risk appetite framework and tolerance limits.


To approve risk appetite framework and tolerance limits.

9. Election of a member of the Board.


To elect Darius Samuolis to the members of the Board of the Company for the remaining term of the Board of the Company.


Head of Adminstration
Paulius Tarbūnas
Email: paulius.tarbunas@neofinance.com


Candidate info.pdf
NEO Finance auditors report EN 2021.pdf

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB (legal entity code 303225546, address: A. Vivulskio street 7, Vilnius; Company) took place on 21st August 2023, the shareholders attending the meeting held 3 364 854 shares, which entitled them to 3 364 854 votes (i.e. 80,08 % of votes granted by all shares of the Company).

The following decisions have been taken at the General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. Approval of internal governance, risk and control management policies and strategies.


To approve internal governance, risk and control management policies and strategies.

2. Approval of the risk appetite framework and tolerance limits and the risk assessment map.


To approve the risk appetite framework and tolerance limits and the risk assessment map.

3. Election of the Board members for the new term of office.


To approve Evaldas Remeikis, Aiva Remeikienė, Deividas Tumas, Marius Navickas and Darius Samuolis for the next four (4) year term of office.


Head of Administration
Evaldas Remeikis

Email: evaldas.remeikis@neofinance.com

The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB (legal entity code 303225546, address: A. Vivulskio street 7, Vilnius; Company) took place on 23 April 2021, the shareholders attending the meeting held 3 096 016 shares, which entitled them to 3 096 016 votes (i.e. 79,83% of votes granted by all shares of the Company).

The following decisions have been taken at the General Meeting of Shareholders:

1. Organizational issues of the General Meeting of Shareholders.


As the Chairman of the Meeting elect representative of UAB "ERA CAPITAL" Evaldas Remeikis.

As Secretary of the Meeting elect Mantas Drakšas.

2. Approval of consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020;


Taken for the information annual report of the Company for the year 2020, prepared by the Company.

Taken for the information Auditor's report on the Company's financial statements.

To approve consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020, audited by UAB Grand Thorton Baltic (certified auditor Genadij Mikušev).

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to submit consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company to the Register of Legal Entities and the Bank of Lithuania.

3. Approval of the Company's profit (loss) distribution for 2020.


Not to distribute (accumulate) losses for the financial year which ended 31/12/2020.

4. Regarding the appointment of the auditor to audit consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year which will end in 31/12/2021.


To elect the audit company UAB Grand Thorton Baltic, code 30056169, to perform the Company's audit for the financial year which will end in 31 December 2021.

Set the amount of the fee payable for audit services for the year 2021 - not more than EUR 5 800 (Five thousand and eight hundreds euros) plus VAT.

To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to conclude an agreement with the selected audit company and to submit the related data to the Bank of Lithuania.


Aleksėjus Loskutovas
Email: aleksejus@neofinance.com


Financial statements for the year 2020 of NEO Finance AB confirmed by auditor and independent auditors report.pdf
The management report for the year 2020 of NEO Finance AB with the statement by the responsible persons and audited financial statements.pdf

We hereby inform you that on the initiative and by the decision of the Board of NEO Finance, AB, legal entity code 303225546, registered address at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius (hereinafter - the Company), an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was convened on 3 February 2021 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was held in the registered office of the Company at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, held on 3 February 2021, adopted the following resolutions:

Adopted decisions:

  1. Approval of the rules for granting Company’s shares to employees.

Approve the rules on granting Company’s shares to employees as per the attached draft.


Head of Administration
Aiva Remeikienė
Email: aiva@neofinance.com


Draft of rules on granting Companys shares.pdf

We hereby inform you that on the initiative and by the decision of the Board of NEO Finance, AB, legal entity code 303225546, registered address at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius (hereinafter - the Company), an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was convened on 3 November 2020 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was held in the registered office of the Company at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, held on 3 November 2020, adopted the following resolutions:

Adopted decisions:

  1. Regarding the increase of authorized capital by additional contribution.

“To increase authorized capital of the Company by additional contribution from 1 660 435,92 EUR (one million six hundred sixty thousand and four hundred thirty five euros, ninety two euro cents) to 1 713 235,92 EUR (one million seven hundred thirteen thousand and two hundred thirty five euros, ninety two euro cents) by issuing 120 000 (one hundred twenty thousand) units registered ordinary shares each with nominal value of 0,44 EUR (forty four euro cents).

To determine that, increasing authorized capital of the Company new registered ordinary shares issue price is equal to 2,51 EUR (two euros and fifty-one euro cents) for 0,44 EUR (forty-four euro cents) nominal value share.

Total issue price of the issuing shares of the Company is equal to 301 200 EUR (three hundred one thousand and two hundred euros).

To authorize shareholders of the Company owning shares issued by the Company in the end of rights record day of this Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (the tenth working day after the end of this Meeting of shareholders) in proportion to the shareholders owned shares nominal value to acquire new issued shares.

To determine that each shareholder of the Company within 14 (fourteen) calendar days (calculating from the day of publication in the Register of Legal Entities the notice regarding the proposal by exercising the right of priority to acquire shares of the Company, in to this term publication day of notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company is not included) have the right of priority to acquire the amount of issuing shares, in proportion to the shareholder’s owned amount of shares of the Company in the end of the rights record date.

Notice on proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company and term during which this right may be exercised will be publicly announced in informational publication of Register of Legal Entities (hereinafter - the Register). After the day of Register public announcement regarding proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire new shares will start determined 14 (fourteen) calendar days term for subscription. The Company new subscripted shares issues directly to shareholder who subscribed and paid up shares.

To determine term for subscribed shares payment – no later than by 15 (fifteen) calendar day, calculating from the end of the day of public announcement in the Register of Legal Entities of the notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company.

To determine that subscribed shares shall be paid by transferring the total price determined in the Shares Subscription Agreement for subscribed shares (the issue price of one share multiplied by the total amount of subscribed shares) in to bank account specified in the Shares Subscription Agreement, into the payment order indicating that, this is “Payment for new subscribed NEO Finance, AB shares”. New shares will be considered as paid, if all the all amount for subscribed shares will be transferred to bank account of the Company specified in the Shares Subscription Agreement no later than by 15 (fifteen) calendar days, calculating from the end of the day of public announcement in the Register of the notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company (in this term publication day of notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company is not included), if that day is not a business day, then the end of business day following it. If until the expiration of specified deadline total in the Shares Subscription Agreement indicated price for subscribed shares is not transferred in the Shares Subscription Agreement specified bank account, such Share Subscription Agreement is considered as not concluded and signed person loses all the rights to the shares specified in such agreement, while the paid funds will be returned within 10 (ten) business days to bank account of the shareholder specified in the such subscription agreement.

Share subscription agreement will be concluded in the registered office of the Company at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius. Share Subscription Agreements will be signed through the direct involvement of the shareholder or by his duly authorized representative. Shareholders are also given the opportunity to sign share subscription agreements with an electronic signature. 

Authorized persons of the shareholders of the Company have to submit duly formed and notarized (applicable for natural persons or foreign legal persons if such confirmation is necessary in respect of the particular foreign state law) authorization.

Shareholder at his own discretion can decide not to subscribe proposed shares or to subscribe any smaller quantity of shares than the maximum determined to subscribe shares amount.

Shareholders will be provided with all their subscribed and paid shares amount, but in any case, not more than the maximum possible amount of subscribed shares.

The Company may cancel this subscription at any time before the expiration of this subscription term, without indicating the reasons for such cancellation. In this case, the amounts paid by the shareholders, if any, will be returned within 10 (ten) business days to the shareholder's bank account specified in the share subscription agreement.

To determine that the new issued shares of the Company should be paid in monetary contributions, including the advance payments made to the Company for the increase of the authorized capital before the date of adoption of this decision, and/or by capitalizing the loans granted by the shareholders to the Company.

If within the determined deadline for shares subscription not all determined to issue shares will be subscribed, the authorized capital of the Company could be increased by the decision of the Board for the amount of nominal value of signed shares making the relevant amendments of the Articles of Association of the Company.”

  1. Regarding the amendment of the Articles of Association of “NEO Finance”, AB.

„Taking into account the increase of the authorized capital of the Company, to approve the new wording of the Articles of Association of the Company.

To authorize (with the right to re-authorize) Chief Executive Officer of the Company to sign and provide the amended Articles of Association of the Company to the notary confirmation and to register them in the Register of Legal Entities.”


1.  New wording of amended Articles Association of the Company.


Head of Administration
Aiva Remeikienė
Email: aiva@neofinance.com


2020-11-03 NEO Finance istatu redakcija.pdf

We hereby inform you that on the initiative and by the decision of the Board of NEO Finance, AB, legal entity code 303225546, registered address at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius (hereinafter - the Company), an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was convened on 17 June 2020 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting was held in the registered office of the Company at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius.

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, held on 17 June 2020, adopted the following resolutions:

Adopted decisions:

  1. Presentation of Company's annual report for the for financial year ended on 31 December 2019.

“To approve the annual report of the Company for financial year ended on 31 December 2019.”

  1. Regarding the increase of authorized capital by additional contribution.

“To increase authorized capital of the Company by additional contribution from 1 615 023,08 EUR (one million six hundred and fifteen thousand twenty three euros, eight euro cents) to 1 667 826,16 EUR (one million six hundred and sixty seven thousand eight hundred twenty six euros, sixteen euro cents) by issuing 120 007 (one hundred twenty thousand and seven) units registered ordinary shares each with nominal value of 0,44 EUR (forty four euro cents).

To determine that, increasing authorized capital of the Company new registered ordinary shares issue price is equal to 2,51 EUR (two euros and fifty-one euro cents) for 0,44 EUR (forty-four euro cents) nominal value share.

Total issue price of the issuing shares of the Company is equal to 301 217,57 EUR (three hundred two thousand and two hundred seventeen euros, fifty-seven euro cents).

To authorize shareholders of the Company owning shares issued by the Company in the end of rights record day of this Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders (the tenth working day after the end of this Meeting of shareholders) in proportion to the shareholders owned shares nominal value to acquire new issued shares.

To determine that each shareholder of the Company within 14 (fourteen) calendar days (calculating from the day of publication in the Register of Legal Entities the notice regarding the proposal by exercising the right of priority to acquire shares of the Company, in to this term publication day of notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company is not included) have the right of priority to acquire the amount of issuing shares, in proportion to the shareholder’s owned amount of shares of the Company in the end of the rights record date.

Notice on proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company and term during which this right may be exercised will be publicly announced in informational publication of Register of Legal Entities (hereinafter - the Register). After the day of Register public announcement regarding proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire new shares will start determined 14 (fourteen) calendar days term for subscription. The Company new subscripted shares issues directly to shareholder who subscribed and paid up shares.

To determine term for subscribed shares payment – no later than by 15 (fifteen) calendar day, calculating from the end of the day of public announcement in the Register of Legal Entities of the notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company.

To determine that subscribed shares shall be paid by transferring the total price determined in the Shares Subscription Agreement for subscribed shares (the issue price of one share multiplied by the total amount of subscribed shares) in to bank account specified in the Shares Subscription Agreement, into the payment order indicating that, this is “Payment for new subscribed NEO Finance, AB shares”. New shares will be considered as paid, if all the all amount for subscribed shares will be transferred to bank account of the Company specified in the Shares Subscription Agreement no later than by 15 (fifteen) calendar days, calculating from the end of the day of public announcement in the Register of the notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company (in this term publication day of notice regarding the proposal by exercising right of priority to acquire shares of the Company is not included), if that day is not a business day, then the end of business day following it. If until the expiration of specified deadline total in the Shares Subscription Agreement indicated price for subscribed shares is not transferred in the Shares Subscription Agreement specified bank account, such Share Subscription Agreement is considered as not concluded and signed person loses all the rights to the shares specified in such agreement, while the paid funds will be returned within 10 (ten) business days to bank account of the shareholder specified in the such subscription agreement.

Share subscription agreement will be concluded in the registered office of the Company at A. Vivulskio str. 7, Vilnius. Share Subscription Agreements will be signed through the direct involvement of the shareholder or by his duly authorized representative. Shareholders are also given the opportunity to sign share subscription agreements with an electronic signature. 

Authorized persons of the shareholders of the Company have to submit duly formed and notarized (applicable for natural persons or foreign legal persons if such confirmation is necessary in respect of the particular foreign state law) authorization.

Shareholder at his own discretion can decide not to subscribe proposed shares or to subscribe any smaller quantity of shares than the maximum determined to subscribe shares amount.

Shareholders will be provided with all their subscribed and paid shares amount, but in any case, not more than the maximum possible amount of subscribed shares.

The Company may cancel this subscription at any time before the expiration of this subscription term, without indicating the reasons for such cancellation. In this case, the amounts paid by the shareholders, if any, will be returned within 10 (ten) business days to the shareholder's bank account specified in the share subscription agreement.

To determine that the new issued shares of the Company should be paid in monetary contributions, including the advance payments made to the Company for the increase of the authorized capital before the date of adoption of this decision, and/or by capitalizing the loans granted by the shareholders to the Company.

If within the determined deadline for shares subscription not all determined to issue shares will be subscribed, the authorized capital of the Company could be increased by the decision of the Board for the amount of nominal value of signed shares making the relevant amendments of the Articles of Association of the Company.”

  1. Regarding the amendment of the Articles of Association of “NEO Finance”, AB.

 Taking into account the increase of the authorized capital of the Company, to approve the new wording of the Articles of Association of the Company.

To authorize (with the right to re-authorize) Chief Executive Officer of the Company to sign and provide the amended Articles of Association of the Company to the notary confirmation and to register them in the Register of Legal Entities.””



1.  New wording of amended Articles Association of the Company.

Aiva Remeikienė
Email: aiva@neofinance.com


Nauja NEO Finance istatu redakcija.pdf

The extraordinary meeting of the Board od Directors of NEO Finance, AB (code 303225546, address A. Vivulskio st. 7, Vilnius, hereinafter - the Company) held on 9 June 2020 adopted the following resolution:

  1. Regarding the acquisition of shares of Finomark, UAB

Decisions taken:

1.1. To acquire 100 (one hundred) percent shares of Finomark, UAB company code 305538582, for 2 500 (two thousand five hundred) euros.

Finomark, UAB is developing a crowdfunding platform, therefore the company's shares are purchased in order to carry out the activities of the crowdfunding platform operator.


Aiva Remeikienė
Head of Administration
Email: aiva@neofinance.com


The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB (code 303225546, address A. Vivulskio st. 7, Vilnius, hereinafter - the Company) held on 30 April 2020 adopted the following resolutions:

  1. Regarding the approval of consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2019 and 31/12/2019.

Decisions taken:

1.1. To approve consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company for the period between 01/01/2019 and 31/12/2019, audited by UAB Grand Thorton Baltic (certified auditor Genadij Mikušev).

1.2. Not to distribute (accumulate) losses for the financial year which ended 31/12/2019.

1.3. To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to submit consolidated set of annual financial statements of the Company to the Register of Legal Entities and the Bank of Lithuania.

2. Regarding the appointment of the auditor to audit consolidated financial statements of the Company for the financial year which will end in 31/12/2020.

Decisions taken:

2.1. To elect the audit company UAB Grand Thorton Baltic, code 30056169, to perform the Company's audit for the financial year which will end in 31 December 2020.

2.2. To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to conclude an agreement with the selected audit company and to submit the related data to the Bank of Lithuania.


Aiva Remeikienė
Head of Administration
E. aiva@neofinance.com


NEO Finance FS 2019 EN.pdf

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of NEO Finance, AB (code 303225546, address Verkių st. 25C-1, Vilnius, hereinafter - the Company) held on 13 January 2020 adopted the following resolutions:

  1. Regarding registration of NEO Finance, AB new registered office.

Decisions taken:

1.1. To change NEO Finance, AB registered office address from Verkių 25C-1, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania to A. Vivulskio g. 7, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania.

1.2. To mandate the Head of Administration the Company or a person authorized by him/her to sign all necessary documents and to perform all necessary actions in order to register new registered office of the Company.

  1. Regarding the change of the corporate governance structure by abolishing the Supervisory Board and revoking all its members.

Decisions taken:

2.1. To abolish the Supervisory Board from 2020 January 20.

2.2. To revoke Antanas Danys, a member of the Supervisory Board, from office from 2020 January 20.

2.3. To revoke Marius Laurinaitis, a member of the Supervisory Board, from office from 2020 January 20.

2.4. To revoke Vytautas Bučiūnas, a member of the Supervisory Board, from office from 2020 January 20.

2.5. To revoke Maurice Beckand Verwee, a member of the Supervisory Board, from office from 2020 January 20.

2.6. To change the management structure of the Company, stating that from 2020 January 20 the management structure of the Company will consist of the following organs of the Company: (i) the General Meeting of Shareholders; (ii) the Board of Directors; one-person management body of the Company - director (head of administration).

2.7. To mandate the Head of Administration of the Company or his duly authorized person to perform all actions necessary for the dissolution of the Company's Supervisory Board, removal of members of the Company's Supervisory Board and registration of the new Articles of Association in the Register of Legal Entities, including but not limited preparation, signing and submission of the necessary documents to the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania, notaries and other institutions and other related actions.


Aiva Remeikienė

Head of Administration

E. aiva@neofinance.com